
A salad is a dish consisting of a mixture of small pieces of food, usually vegetables. However, different varieties of salad may contain virtually any type of ready-to-eat food. Salads are typically served at room temperature or chilled,


Xovar Mix Shawarma

Check out our urban mix of delicious shawarma treats.

₦9000.00 6 yrs ago Posted By Tunes0 views0 downloads0 plays in Salads Share

Xovar Prawn Cocktail

Enjoy our exclusive recipe 'Xovar Prawn Salad'. So delicious! Or now online for eat-in or take-out

₦7800.00 6 yrs ago Posted By Tunes0 views0 downloads0 plays in Salads Share

Tossed Salad

Order salads online on Xovar. A salad is a term used to describe a dish made up of cold vegetable dishes that are served with certain sauces.

₦4800.00 6 yrs ago Posted By Tunes0 views0 downloads0 plays in Salads Share

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